Consultancy Admin and Information

There for you

We want to make the process of booking our consultancy services as easy and hassle-free as possible, so we've collected a wealth of information below on a range of consultancy administration topics to support you as much as we can.

If you still have some unanswered questions or wish to discuss any of the information below then we'd love to hear from you. Please visit our contact page and a member of our team will be happy to support you further.

Booking our consultancy services

Our consultancy services are available to all businesses and individuals - you don't have to be a on one of our retained support packages. If you're already on one of our support packages you will have a number of services available to you, depending on the size of your plan, and these will be discussed with you during your subscription process and site visits.

For those not on one of our support packages, or if you are and wish to add more, you can submit a Consultancy Request Form or contact us directly. From here, a member of our team will liaise with you to discuss your request further and generate a Consultancy Proposal form.

Consultancy fees

Standard rates for standalone consultancy services are based on an hourly rate. Where our consultancy services go beyond a single 8-hour day (e.g., 2 consecutive days or multiple single days) and are within the same project proposal a reduced hourly or day rate can be discussed.

Consultancy services proposal

Following an initial telephone or email conversation with a member of our team we will generate a proposal document, which is our service level agreement with you. This will be emailed as a PDF. In the document we will specify:

Proposals are valid for 30 days. Where reasonable expenses are incurred, such as long travel distances or overnight stays, these will be included in the service fees.

Proposal acceptance and scheduling service(s)

From the time of distribution you will have 30 days to accept the proposal, which can be acknowledged by a reply email or telephone call. Exceeding the 30-day period will result in a new proposal being generated and the same price cannot be guaranteed.

Once accepted, we will schedule a date between our calendars for the service(s) to take place.

Payment and releasing reports

Payment is expected prior to the service(s) taking place and final reports, documents, etc. will only be released once payment has been received:

Completed reports, documents, etc. as proposed will be sent within 10 working days of the service to allow time for writing and quality checks. If you need your reports quicker than this, please inform us during your request and we will advise on feasibility on a case-by-case basis.

Changing the proposal - before the service(s)

You are welcome to change or adapt the service(s) proposal at any time and as many times as required during the 30-day validity period or until payment has been received. Once payment has been received any changes will be regarded as being 'during the service'.

Changing the proposal - during the service(s)

We understand that for various reasons service(s) may need to be changed from the original proposal before we attend site or during our visit. We will always endeavour to accommodate these changes, and simple alterations will have little impact on our ability to complete our service(s) to you. Where service(s) increase in size and duration, please be aware that additional fees will be incurred. However, where service(s) are reduced we will accommodate an appropriate refund.

Any change in service(s) will be recorded and agreed between both parties.

Cancelling our service(s)

We understand that due to a variety of factors you may need to cancel our service(s). Where possible, we will always seek to organise an alternative date to suit your needs, however, we respect our client's desire to cancel where it is required. 

Refunds for cancellations will be processed when notice of 5 working days or more is given. When less than 5 working days notice is given no refund will be offered and the full rate charged, due to costs incurred by Tamar Safety - unless reasonable extenuating circumstances can be determined.